Halloween Game the Twelfth


  On October 31, 2011, the first van-load from the International Pan-Religious Conference arrived at Billy's Steakhouse and Eatatorium for the Welcome Buffet and Potato Bar.  Among them were:

Travis "The Holy Hammer" Sledge - 31 - Evangelical Christian - a pro-wrestler who found The Light during recovery from drugs and accidental manslaughter, along with Buster the Bulldog (played by Josh)
Bruce Ali - 28 - Buddhist - a modern monk more interested in reincarnation than escaping the karmic cycle (played by Will)
Cal Carter - 32 - Cult of Hastur - a world traveler who ended up near the Plain of Ling and has never been the same (played by Chad)
Barbados "Sunwalker" Jones - 37 - Haitian Voodoo - a voodoo medicine man (played by Paul)

Also among them were (a series of NPCs):
Dr. Rachel Greybachs - 41 - Atheist professor
Kaley Smith - 23 - Agnostic waitress
Father Benito Ignatius - 71 - Catholic priest
Cosh Zarrow - 33 - cult leader
Teal Astrallove - 26 - New Age guru
Scott Eaglefeather - 39 - Native American shaman

After the participants sit and introduce themselves, Father Ignatius attempts to give an opening blessing, but his microphone begins to screech.  An old, evil-looking, much-wrinkled man with a lazy eye ambled into the room and fiddled with the wires, finally saying into the mike, "Test, test, test your faith."

The room began to swim around them, and they found themselves on an empty highway in the middle of the woods, with a road sign reading "Welcome to Halloweentowne" with what looked like bite and claw marks over the "welcome."  Behind it, a billboard for the Halloweentowne Visitor's Center invited them.  Travis tested if he were dreaming by punching himself, Teal checked a bottle of pills in his pocket before tossing them over his shoulder (later retrieving them), Greybachs announces it is some kind of mass hallucination, while others attempted to find out where they were via GPS on Cal's satellite phone, which repeatedly gave the warning "No Satellites Found."  Bruce (that "human Quaalude") calmly went to the remains of the potato bar and had some dinner.  Others started to join in when growls began to come from the forest around them.  Someone suggested it was wolves, but Scott disagreed, saying the sounds were too deep.  A Dire Wolf then burst from the forest, charging the group.  One landed on top of Scott, ripping into his chest with a claw.  Travis came to the rescue with a heroic bodyslam and wrestled with the beast until flipping it in a suplex and slamming it into the ground.  Barbados stabbed it with his spirit knife (charging it with evil blood).  Meanwhile, Cal played his flute calmly, opening his Third Eye and seeing the beast as the demonic monstrosity that had perverted the form of an innocent ancient wolf.

Those who heard the music looked around and saw the world for what it truly was: a realm populated with horrific spirits and evil.  The brightness of evil inundates the forest, and weirder colors of spiritual power come from the east, away from the lights of the town.  Cal ended his playing, and they decided to walk into town, carrying the injured Scott.  As more growls came from the forest, they turned to running, escaping as a pack of Dire Wolves came out of the forest and furiously chowed down on the potato bar.

Eventually headlights appeared coming toward them, and the group stopped a minivan.  Middle-aged suburbanite Bob was driving toward the forest to pick up his daughter after she called saying the party she was at had begun to get out of hand.  They managed to convince him to call for an ambulance for Scott and drive the injured man back toward town to meet it.  Piling into the van, they drove for a little way before coming upon a Black Knight upon his red-eyed steed.  The knight saluted with his lance before beginning a charge.  Bob narrowly dodged the knight and sped while the knight turned about and pursued, gaining with the speed of his spectral horse.  A police car (responding to Bob's 911 call) appeared on the road, and the knight changed targets.  He lowered his lance and speared the car, flipping it with evil strength.  It gave the van time to build up some lead before the knight pursued again, after trampling the car into slag.

Bob's driving managed to stay ahead of the knight (and even driving over a giant sewer gator, although it did break off a bumper) until they came to a grocery store, where the gang decided to break into groups.  He pulled up to the front, and everyone dove out, hurrying inside.  From beyond the glass doors, they saw Bob peel out, the knight arrive in the parking lot, rein in his horse, and then take up renewed pursuit of the minivan.  After the knight's galloping disappeared, things seemed quiet.  Too quiet, as they realized there was no one in the store: no one shopping, no one at the registers, no one but them.  Much of the gang stayed at the front as guard while others went into the store, looking for defenses like lighter fluid and salt and bandages for Scott and people with scrapes.  At the poultry station, Cal heard a whisper.  He investigated, and a girl in butcher's clothes whispered again, "Is he gone?"

Before Cal could reply that he didn't know who "he" is, a shot rang out, and the girl's head exploded from a bullet.  Cal and the others scrambled for cover, and assassin's bullets flew seemingly from nowhere.  Soon the killer appeared from among the shelves, a tall, stocky man wearing plain clothes and a haphazard pillow case made into a ghost mask.  He raised his rifle and shot again, driving the people out into the parking lot, where others had broken into a truck that happened to have the keys inside (after Travis's prayer).  Travis drove the truck wildly to the front of the store, where everyone dove into the bed.  They peeled out, leaving the killer behind, shooting shots that damaged the truck but did not hurt anyone.  Taking count, they now realized that Teal and Kaley weren't with them, having stayed in a cloud of tranquilizers in the backseat of Bob's minivan.

They began driving toward the visitor's center, and Travis came upon a puddle stretched across the otherwise dry road.  Thinking nothing of it, he drove through, but the puddle proved to be highly acidic, almost immediately eating through the tires.  The truck fell onto its rims, kicking sparks and coming to a wild stop.  No one was injured further, but they saw the acid began to move toward them, forming into a blob with pseudopods reaching for their flesh.  They abandoned the truck and ran the last few blocks to the visitor's center, carrying Scott.

There, they were greeted by Mark, a college-intern who was once scrawny but now looks like someone who has worked out feverishly from fear for two years.  He let them inside and gave them the explanatory tape from Greg Weiss.  The first aid station allowed Scott to be stabilized, and he rested under the care of Father Ignatius, who is weak after all the running.  The others picked up weapons from the basement (under a trap door and behind a secret door from the storage basement).  Greybachs explained again how this is all a mass hallucination, getting into a deep argument with Cal, who claimed there are more things in the universe than are measurable by human science.  Barbados seemed to prove Cal correct as he used faith points to roll bones over a map of Halloweentowne to judge where their monster is, pointing to the Bank of Mammon on the south side of downtown, near the Memorial Cemetery.

Travis, Bruce, Cal, Barbados, Dr. Greybachs, Cosh, and Father Ignatius (much better after a rest) took the visitor center's heavily modified bank truck out of its rear garage and drove carefully down the street.  They were cut off by a heavily damaged and fire-scarred mini-van, which careened into the parking lot for the hospital before falling apart upon coming to a halt.  Bob and a teenage daughter, bleary eyed, stumbled out and down the street toward home.  Kaley appeared after them, carrying an injured Teal, who went into the hospital.  Just as they prepared to leave, a crying little girl appeared alongside the driver's side door, where Travis sat.  She sniffed and extended her arms for a hug, asking for help.  Travis felt compelled toward compassion, but Buster growled, sniffing something wrong.  Cal began playing his flute to open Travis's third eye, revealing the spiritual form of the little girl, an all-consuming vortex, pulling anything it touched into black nightmare forever.  Travis slammed on the gas and sped away.

As they drove toward the Halloweentowne Blood Bank, they spotted vampire gangsters robbing it, and Travis hopped onto the curb to run several down.  One leaped onto the hood, prompting Barbados to attack it (in hopes of gathering undead blood) out the window, but the vampire countered by biting his forearm.  Barbados pulled it inside, and Travis destroyed it, shoving a golden cross he'd found at the Visitor's Center into its forehead.  Barbados used voodoo cleanse him of the vampire's curse.  Following that madness, they also drove by mannequins moving in the shadows of a department store as well as the Destroyer of Holy Places corrupting the cathedral, but decided to leave both alone, instead pulling up to the Bank of Mammon.  It is dark, but small lights move from the windows, as if someone noticed them pull up.

There, Barbados took a look into the spiritual realm, seeing the bank as a place of black evil with numerous shadow-creatures crawling in every crevice.  They began to pour a circle of salt around the bank to contain the multitude of demons as well as the evil gushing forth.  Midway through completion, two bank security cars pulled up.  While Kaley, The Hammer, and Bruce distracted one pair of rent-a-cops and Leader Cosh and Greybachs attempted to reason with another, and Cal continued playing a flute to keep demons at bay, demons swooped down upon Barbados and Ignatius, who exorcised them (Ignatius causing the demon to fall into the Pit while Barbados turned another to stone and then dust).  The commotion spooked the guards, who were then beaten down by The Hammer and Bruce's Tai Chi moves.  They are tied securely, and then a spell is placed, trapping the evil energy.

They hoped that is enough, but they remained in Halloweentowne.  Greybachs demanded what else to expect as it was just a dream, which caused Cal to snap.  He assaulted her, psychically jamming open her third eye and forcing her to see the spiritual realm.  After a major struggle of wills, Greybachs was overwhelmed and became a stunned medium like being forced to drink from a fire hydrant.  They used her to detect thirteen "strings" of connection passing through the magic of the circle, denoting something very powerful inside, and traced the nearest string to a demon skulking on a rooftop and watching them. Ignatius ordered the demon down in the Name of Christ and pinned it before them.  After some questioning, determining that the demon served the greater demon Greed, which had been summoned by bankers to save themselves amid a receding economy, they exorcised it.  From there, they built a "spirit trap" using Barbados' voodoo, powdered brick that formed chains when bonded with the willing blood given by Kaley.  Pulling on the "strings", they attracted the demons, caught them, and one by one Ignatius exorcised them.  One talked crafty lies to Ignatius, causing him to question the legitimacy of his humility in holy power, and managed to escape.  Ignatius, shaken, took to a rest.

A low-riding Chrysler with darkened windows sped by, stopped, and reversed slowly, opening up fire in a drive-by shooting.  Everyone dove for cover, except for the security guards, who were shot up badly.  Travis takes a grenade garnered from the armory and miraculously threw it back into the car through the open back window, eliminating the gangsters (who had been tempted by a demon of greed with great material rewards if they had killed the heroes).  Barbados healed his deep wounds using the spilled guards' blood.  Molotovs thrown into the bank began burning, but were put out by unseen foes.

Knowing that they needed to enter the bank to purify whatever was in it, the heroes returned to the Visitor's Center.  While arming up for a strike, Greybach mentioned Cosh's "greedy wolfish eyes", which raised suspicions of possession (indeed, he had become tempted by the demon that had gotten away and fed it information of where they were going on the promise of great power).  After disarming him and tying him up, they were rocked by an explosion.  A voice called through a megaphone outside, demanding the terrorists inside the center come out unarmed immediately or they would continue to fire.  Peeking through external security cameras, they saw a section of the Halloweentowne National Guard outside in a siege.  Cal had Mark rig a microphone to an external speaker, and he played haunting music to open the eyes of the soldiers (while everyone else covered their ears).  They immediately saw the horrors of Halloweentowne around them (as well as seeing that their commander had been bribed by the escaped demon with promise of rank and praise at catching "terrorists" responsible for the night's massacre) and went completely nuts.  Shooting filled the air at witches, men turned on each other, others attacked monsters who had crept upon their edges.  Total chaos reigned, and the heroes quietly slipped out the back in the bank truck, taking Scott with them and picking up Teal at the hospital.

Back at the bank, they were quickly attacked as a man in a postman's uniform jumps out with an automatic rifle.  They outshot him in a gun battle and managed to capture the rogue demon that had been bringing tempted foes upon them, vaporizing it.  They surround the bank and the salt circle with a second circle of gas (siphoned from the security cars still sitting outside) and lit it, continuing to contain the evil while crossing the salt.  Travis drove the armored van through the glass doors (protected from damage by Buddhist sigils), and it was immediately attacked by spirits.  After some mystic battles by Scott countering them, Barbados unleashed all of the mystic energy he could summon in a "thermonuclear voodoo device" that bathed the bank in light, vaporizing the demons.

Still, they remained in Halloweentowne, knowing that there was still evil afoot.  They use Greybachs to detect power behind the vault, and Travis uses the truck to pull open the vault door.  Cultists in business suits and robes burst out with a flurry of gunshots.  Using guidance from his wards and his own power in tune with the universe, Bruce sent out a wave of gravity opposing, catching the bullets and stopping their forward momentum.  The wave continued into the vault, catching the cultists and squishing them into juicy goo on the far vault wall.

After a little exploration, the heroes discovered a trap door in the floor of the vault, and Travis, Cal, Bruce (who's nearly winded after such disciplined exertion), Father Ignatius, Scott, Teal, and Kaley went down it while the near comatose Greybachs, exhausted Barbados, and bound and distrusted Cosh stayed behind.  In a chamber cut from the bedrock, they found a dozen cultists lying in various states of dress, swooning and groping, and crying all drunk on pure greed.  At the center of them was an incarnation of Greed, which everyone saw differently but can be aptly described as a beautiful young woman floating above them.  At her feet rested piles of what everyone desired most: for Teal, mind-altering drugs capable of new enlightenment; for Cal, scrolls containing unspeakable knowledge; for Travis, stuff he'd rather not let be known.  Greed beckons them to join her, and Teal, Cal, Travis, and Kaley fall under her spell, gathering at her feet and joining the writhing cultists.  Father Ignatius somewhat resisted, falling to his knees and repeating "our daily bread", while Scott and Bruce maintained their contentment.  Greed continued her attempts at breaking them until Scott managed to swipe Cal's flute and play his own tune, showing Greed for what she was and transforming her in everyone's eyes to a horrid, bloated crone.  This, along with the barking of Buster, was enough to snap Travis from his greed, and he drove his golden cross into her forehead, ending Greed's hold over anyone unwilling.  Cal awoke first and hurriedly took back his flute (a gift from his mysterious master in the tower near Ling) from Scott.  Teal still wanted drugs, and Kaley fought with him to convince him it wasn't worth it.  The cultists attempted to fight for her, but were too weak as their life-forces had been drained for Greed's benefit.

Bruce bound Greed in an illuminated sigil, but was unable to erase her even with his practiced contentment.  She fought against him, and Cal determined to give Bruce his flute.  Greed shrieked at the display of liberality, and Bruce responded by giving Cal his prayer beads.  Father Ignatius, Scott Eaglefeather, and Travis exchanged their rosary, bear-claw necklace, and wrestling mask, respectively.  The weakened Greed collapsed to the floor, where the piles of desired things proved only to be disguised and worthless rocks.  They encircled her, joined hands, and sang a prayer to eradicate her and purify the building.  Amid the screams of the cultists, Greed withered and vanished into nothing, followed by the world trembling and going black.

When they could see again, they were back in the steakhouse, which was encircled with police tape but would ultimately be dismissed as an unsolvable case.  Scott Eaglefeather returned to his people on the reservation, where their casino did better than ever before to help bring prosperity.  Barbados Jones, likewise, returned to Haiti, where his village avoided much of the turmoil of the post-earthquake country.  The Hammer went on to great evangelical work with his wrestling league, though he was much saddened that Buster died long before he did.  Father Ignatius went on to become a cardinal before his death, and Bruce Ali eventually died and was reincarnated as another monk (what luck!).  Kaley and Teal walked one another through rehab, while Leader Cosh Zarrow attempted to re-contact Greed and was eventually caught up in his cult's resulting mass suicide.  Cal took Dr. Greybachs with him to a showing of the play "The King in Yellow" at a certain New England university (go Cephalopods!") in early November of 2011, and neither was ever heard from again.

Favored quotes

"Bullets outrun a minivan."

"Don't worry; I'll BODYSLAM the demons right out of you!"

"Calm your fear; The Hammer is here!"

"My zombie grandma cook..."

"Your morality is getting in the way of my role-playing."

"The Lord would have thought less of you if you didn't [forgive]."


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